Our story
We are the Madame Surtô family, explorers and passionate about treasures from the past!
Our story began in Florida, USA. It was in our motorhome that we explored markets, cities and villages, exploring garage sales and museums. And that's how we fell in love with the vintage world! We started out as collectors, looking for unique pieces for ourselves, and as our collection grew, so did our dream of creating an extraordinary gallery where these treasures could shine.
In 2019 we found our place in Portugal, the family's homeland, and even before we had everything set up we crossed the sea with a dream! (and a container full of relics to share with the world.)
That's how "Madame" Freaked Out, the family went crazy, and decided to create a place that would overcome the physical limits of space-time, an entire world in one place, with everything that seems lost in time, but that has so much value! Madame Surtô is a store where everyone is invited to FREAK OUT, DISCOVER STORIES, SMILE, TALK, LIVE, CONSUME IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY, and last but not least: CHANGE HABITS TO CHANGE THE WORLD!
Our planet can no longer support current consumer habits, the mass production of textiles and the waste of resources. We believe that the future lies in valuing what already exists, in reusing, renewing and reviving. Each second-hand item carries a story, and choosing sustainable fashion is a way of taking care of the only planet we have.
- Becoming a fan of second-hand fashion means being aware that there is no plan B, and no planet B.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.
We look forward to seeing you continue this story!
With love,
Crazy Family, Madame Crazy

Who is the madam who freaked out?
Meet the Madame Surtô family, a home of traveling souls who have gone crazy for the vintage world!
Madame Surtô Vintage Shop
Changing habits to change the world